Membership Engagement Resources
works to engage Rotarians with their
clubs, District and Rotary International.
Membership is the single most important issue that affects every Rotarian. Without membership RETENTION and GROWTH, Rotary is at risk. Most clubs regularly add new members every year. Unfortunately, most clubs also lose members every year. Real effort must be made to RETAIN our member as well as bring in new ones.
It may be necessary for clubs to review their processes and procedures to ensure they are meeting the needs of members. Be certain to communicate with members who are leaving to determine the REAL reasons they are leaving your club. This information may give indications of what needs to be done to keep members. CHANGE may be necessary.
Prospective members must be fully informed of expectations and responsibilities. New and recent members must be INVOLVED in club activities. An active orientation program is critical. EVERY club member is responsible for membership, so involve all in ATTRACTING and RETAINING members.
This page contains many resources and ideas to help your club to develop a membership plan and to engage your members.
The District Membership Committee is here to assist your club to:
· Initiate membership development and retention strategies, in collaboration with the District Governor and District leaders.
· Assist in the formulation of annual District membership and retention goals.
· Promote the implementation of the Club Leadership Plan, with particular reference to membership development and retention.
· Educate and motivate Rotary clubs regarding new member orientation and mentoring.
· Share Rotary International membership material with Assistant Governors.
· Serve as a resource to Rotary clubs regarding membership development and retention.
· Work in collaboration with Assistant Governors and Club Presidents, strives to achieve annual District membership and retention goals.
· Provide appropriate recognition to Rotary clubs and individual Rotarians for significant achievements in membership development and retention.