Welcome to one of the most rewarding parts of Rotary!  Our goal is to providing a safe and secure environment for all young people involved in Rotary programs and activities. It includes guidelines for developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective district youth protection program. The methods described in this guide can be modified to comply with local laws and should be used in combination with other locally developed training resources.
Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth
Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotary members, their partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people with whom they come into contact and protect them from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse.
In association with Rotary International we have created a comprehensive, yet simple process to become a vetted Youth Volunteer.  We accomplish this through or application process that includes:  on-line training, references and background checks.  

Instructions for becoming a Rotary Volunteer with Youth

(If you are a Rotary Youth Exchange Program Volunteer, there may be additional training required.)

You will need to complete the following steps to be approved to volunteer with youth in Rotary D5050
  1. Application
    1. Follow this link to start your application https://yehub.net/W05-volapp  (make sure not to use a school or company email, their spam filter may block the automatic emails from our system). This application will need to be renewed every five (5) years.
    2. Emails from our system are training@nayen.org
    3. The software will say “Youth Exchange” - you are still in the right place, we are using the same system for volunteers in other programs.
    4. Under your “Club Name”, Make sure to indicate the program you are volunteering for, not your club. See below:
      1. Youth Engaged in Service (YES) - Canada
      2. Youth Engaged in Service (YES) - USA
      3. Interact - Canada
      4. Interact -USA
      5. Youth Adventures in Leadership (YAIL) -Canada
      6. Youth Adventures in Leadership (YAIL) -USA
      7. Other Youth Volunteer - Canada
      8. Other Youth Volunteer - USA
    5. If one of the above doesn’t fit your volunteer position - please use your club’s name.
  2. References:
    You will need to provide three (3) references
    1. Have their name and email addresses ready (make sure not to use a school or company email, their spam filter may block the automatic emails from our system). 
    2. Make sure to tell your reference they will receive an email from the NAYEN administrator - this reference is done online and takes 10 minutes.
  3. Youth Protection Training
    Online class, takes about 45 minutes. This training will need to be renewed every five (5) years.
  4. Background Check
    You will be sent instructions via email on how to initiate your background check.  This check needs to be renewed every two (2) years.
  5. Volunteer Interview
    This is a phone/email interview with a program representative that takes about 10 minutes.
  6. Once all items are competed, you will be notified you are an APPROVED volunteer