District 5050 Awards
Bellingham Bay's 2020-21 Community Project Award
Docks for Kids Project

District Awards 2021-22
District Awards Committee
Dave Duskin-Chair
Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation, and District 5050 awards are given to recognize clubs, individual Rotarians, and non-Rotarians to thank them for their dedication and valuable contributions:
Club Awards:
- Rotary Citation: The R.I. president each year sets fixed criteria for clubs to receive a Rotary Citation. Click HERE to see the criteria for the 2021-22 Rotary year. Requirements must be completed prior to June 30, 2022. A Rotary, Rotaract, or Interact club may earn a Rotary Citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and your club. Goals include increasing club membership, developing sustainable service projects, giving to The Rotary Foundation, and building awareness of Rotary in your community.
- Rotary International Significant Service Award: Recognizes a club, nominated by its president, whose project has addressed a significant need in its community.
- District 5050: To help showcase club achievements, club Presidents and others may nominate a club to be recognized. Membership Awards are based on the end of the year R.I. reports. Nominations for the other awards must be sent to the District Awards Chair, Dave Duskin, by June 30. A committee selects the top nominated club to be awarded the recognition at the District Installation event in mid July. Here is a list of the 2021 -2022 District Club Awards:
- Most new members*
- Most new female members*
- Most new members under 40*
- Highest retention percentage
*Based on a percentage of a club's total membership.
Community Project Award: Awarded to the best community project.
International Project Award: Awarded to the best International project.
Multi-Club Service Project
Membership Award: Proactive and creative initiative in the areas of attracting new members and retaining existing members.
Public Image Awards
- Recognizes Club that “tells the Rotary Story”, with an emphasis on promotion in all its aspects.
- Awarded to the club with the best website
- Awarded to club with the best bulletin/newsletter
- Awarded to the club with the best use of social media
Innovated Fundraising Award: Awarded to the Club that has raised funds through an innovative means.
For nomination forms, see links to the left, or email Awards Chair Dave Duskin and request the form. Forward all completed nomination forms to Awards Committee Chair Dave Duskin by clicking HERE (dave.rotary5050@gmail.com).
Individual Rotarian Awards:
Nominated by clubs:
Rookie of the Year: Awarded to a first year Rotarian in District 5050 who embraces the ideals of Rotary by making a significant service contribution to their club or the District and who joined Rotary within the past 18 months.
- People of Action Award: People of Action Awards are presented to Rotarians in District 5050 who take action to create lasting change in their communities and the world. It is anticipated that approximately 5 People of Action Awards will be awarded annually. Nominations may be made by any District 5050 Rotarian and require the endorsement of the Club President or Assistant Governor on behalf of a District 5050 Rotary club
The District Leadership Awards are presented at the District Conference by the District Governor. Here is a list of such awards:
- Goldfinch Most Valuable Rotarian Award-Selected by the District Governor
- R.I. Service Above Self Award-Nominated by the District Governor and awarded by R.I.
- The Rotary Foundation Awards-Recommended by the District Foundation Chair
- Citation for Meritorious Service
- Distinguished Service Award
- Service Award for a Polio Free World.