
Installation Script for 2018-19
Note: this script was created to be done jointly by the installing officer (referred to as PDG) and the Assistant Governor. It can be changed to a solo installation if desired, and personalized to the club.
PDG: ______________, you have been selected by the members of the Rotary Club of _________________ to guide its affairs during the coming year. You have been entrusted with an important responsibility that will help shape your club's future. It is an expression of their confidence in you leadership.
AG: This year will significant for Rotary as we celebrate 100 years of our Rotary Foundation doing good in the world, and as we enter the end game of our fight to end polio. We may already have seen the last case of polio in Pakistan on April 26, 2016. If not, we will see that final case of polio during this Rotary year.
AG: If you agree to accept the responsibility of leading your club and serving your club members, please raise your right hand and respond with "I will" to this pledge of office;
PDG: Do you solemnly pledge that you will faithfully execute the office of President of the Rotary Club of ________________ and that you will, to the best of your ability, give support and assistance to the District Governor and to Rotary International and that you will uphold the constitution and bylaws of this club.
PDG: Directors and Officers, by accepting the position for which you have been nominated, you are agreeing to serve the Rotary Club of ________________ and to support your club and President _____________.
PDG: Each of you will also be agreeing to support the goals of Rotary District 5050, District Governor Scott Dudley and Rotary International President John Germ and the theme for this Rotary year of Rotary Serving Humanity.
AG: You will be pledging to support the work and the goals of Rotary, and to serve others, both in your local community and internationally.
AG: You commit to helping us create a polio free world and to support your Rotary Foundation with its goal of doing good in the world.
AG: You agree to apply the 4 Way Test to the things you think, say or do and to let it be your guide in your personal life, in your business life and in your volunteer and service work.
PDG: You are accepting important positions in your club. Your club members, and I, ask that you uphold the highest traditions of your club and of Rotary, and that you serve to the best of your ability and in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of your club.
AG: If you agree to accept these duties, please raise your right hand and respond with "I will" to the following pledge:
AG: Do you solemnly pledge that you will fulfill the duties of your office in the Rotary Club of _______________ to the best of your ability, that you will support President ______________, and will abide by your club's constitution and bylaws.
PDG: Congratulations to each of you. With your leadership and with the support of your club members and with the additional support of the 1.2 million Rotarians, we can, we will and we do make this world a better place. I know that you will have a successful year.
Note: these invocations were collected from a number of sources on the internet. Most were uncredited but if you are the author of an invocation and wish to be credited, please email Sean Hogan (shogan@buckleyhogan.com). One notable source is Shawn Bird, a Rotarian from Shuswap, BC, Canada, District 5060. Visit her website here: https://shawnbird.com/category/rotary/rotary-invocations/ and here: https://rotaryinvocations.wordpress.com/
We are thankful for those who accept
the call to serve as club exec.
We’re thankful that tonight they vow
to give their time for us from now
until next June. May their service
show each one bold with courage
As they steer our club to great heights
offer us strength and fine advice.
Thanks for those who made our meal,
to fuel us ‘neath our Rotary wheel.
Let us take a moment to remember all the religions represented in the worldwide Rotary family. Let us recall that when we were invited to join this Rotary club, we were not asked if were a Protestant, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Catholic, or a Buddhist. We were not asked because all religions are welcome in the Rotary family. Please join me in a moment of reflection and thanks with these words:
With our friends beside us, and no person beneath us,
With the bonds of Rotary between us, and our worries behind us,
With our goals before us, and no task beyond us,
With a thirst for knowledge, and a dream for a polio-free world,
We are thankful for our Rotary friends and the meal we are about to share.
(Chris Offer, PDG Rotary District 5040)
We are thankful.
We appreciate the hands of those who prepared our meal,
and to everyone who has done us service.
Gathered here today we embrace our future.
We are like-minded.
In our desire to serve here at home and around the world,
we ask all of those present to join us in service above self,
to add your gifts to empower our club’s future,
to strengthen our work,
to benefit our community,
to share in our laughter,
to help bring change
to the world.
Let us give thanks
Today is a time
To welcome peace and set apart
a portion of our love and grace,
thankful for this special place,
thankful for those gathered here,
thankful for Rotary work, far and near.
The gift of Rotary is evident in this room.
Friends all about us with special gifts to share.
We ask that each and every one of us,
as we move about our daily lives,
always keep in mind the special talents we have.
Let us be fair and kind to those in our paths today.
Let us focus on the objects of Rotary and implement these together.
Service happens in laughter and friendship.
Service happens in quiet conviction.
Service happens with firm intention.
Service happens in growing kinship
to all humanity in attention.
to Service Above Self.
Let us be thankful for fellowship
For our wealth of Rotary friends
Let us be thankful for benevolence
that working together lends
Let us be thankful for this food
as we commit to doing good
The fruit of silence is prayer.
The fruit of prayer is faith.
The fruit of faith is love.
The fruit of love is service.
The fruit of service is peace.
(Mother Theresa)
I slept and dreamt that life was joy;
I awoke and saw that life was service;
I acted and behold, service was joy!
(Rabindranath Tagore)
Creator and sustainer of all that is or will ever be,
accept our thanks for this day and all its blessings.
We ask that you guide and direct our club, its leaders and our actions.
Grant that each of us may feel our responsibility to Rotary,
to our community, to our country, and indeed to all countries and peoples.
Bless our fellowship today, and bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies, in your service.
As we gather here today as members of Rotary,
we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities
to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community.
Keeping in mind always the enduring values of life,
exerting our efforts in those areas and
on those things upon which future generations can build with confidence.
Let us continue to strive to make a better world.
As we gather here tonight to celebrate and support
the good work of our Rotary Foundation,
let us reflect upon how we come to be here tonight
in the fellowship or Rotary and the spirit of Service Above Self.
Let us reflect and celebrate our different faiths and beliefs
that have brought us here tonight to do good in the world.
May we prove ourselves worthy Rotarians,
devoted to truth, sincere in fellowship, and given to service.
Keep us faithful to these ideals.
Let us stand firm when the fight is hard.
Give us strength sufficient for this day.
Make us as big as our problems and to stay bigger than our responsibilities.
Amen, Shalom, Inshallah, Shukrieh, Namaste